The Unfiltered Thoughts of a Pastor in Exile
a toolbox to deconstruct your faith without losing it
I cannot give you the truth, but I can give you some tools, so you can search for it.
Die ungefilterten Gedanken eines Pastors im Exil
Werkzeuge für eine erfolgreiche Dekonstruktion des Glaubens ohne ihn aufzugeben
The Unfiltered Thoughts of a Pastor in Exile
A toolbox to deconstruct your faith without losing it
So, I call myself a Pastor in Exile. What a promising, unique name, what an excellent conversation starter, and what a beginning to a story. Once upon a time, there was a pastor in exile. Actually, I was never a pastor, but a teacher in the fivefold ministry. But “teacher in exile” somehow doesn’t work—it makes you think of school.
Born a Swiss pagan, I had quite a bit of church history behind me when I finally gave my life to Jesus, as we fundamentalist evangelical Christians call our conversion.
I had been technically born Protestant, had attended a house church patterned after the Jesus People movement in the 1970s and an evangelical church five years later, had gone to school in a Catholic boarding school, and had lived with Quakers, Lutherans, and Jews. Next, I was embarking on a journey with charismatics, had a long journey with an apostolic network that grew from Word of Faith, and today call myself probably a post-christian.
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